Airplane! and I both turned 40 last year. This is one of those films that made me who I am today. Because of my parents’ HBO subscription – it was an add-on to your cable package before it was an app, kids – and our shiny new VCR (on which we taped EVERY MOVIE EVER), I don’t really remember a time when I hadn’t watched this brilliantly crafted spoof of ’70s disaster movies at least 1000 times. It was one of the first DVDs I ever bought to begin my movie collection back in the very late ‘90s (what I was shocked a few days ago to learn that teenagers today are referring to as “the late 1900s,” which makes me feel like I lived through the Civil War).
Airplane! also has the distinction of being the very first movie my now-wife and I ever saw together. She should have been clued into the fact that the rest of her life would be dominated by movies when I suggested a late dinner, then a midnight screening of Airplane! at the historic Inwood Theater for our first date. Her cool points multiplied by five when her response to my suggestion was, “I love that movie!”