If you’re reading this within the first few hours of its publication, that means I’m making final preparations for my coverage of South By Southwest 2024 in Austin, TX! I’m partnering with an outside website this year, which means you’ll have to do some clicking for my reactions to what I’m watching at this year’s fest. The good folks at The Cosmic Circus are sponsoring my press credentials, so anything I write will be posted there.

Luckily, there’s an easy way to find all my stuff on their site. Simply click (and don’t forget to bookmark!) my author page here. I already have a few pieces up over there, including a preview of what I’m most looking forward to screening at SXSW 2024. I’ll be watching plenty of stuff that I won’t have time to write about, so, as always, head over to my Letterboxd profile for a full and complete list of everything I see at the fest.

As you probably know, South By is way more than only a film festival. In addition to a robust film fest, there is also a music festival, countless special speakers and panel discussions, and interactive media presentations, all of which make up what’s known as the SXSW Conference and Festivals. It will be a head-spinning nine days, and I’m ready to cram as many screenings in as humanly possible.

Movies are neat.